Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fairness Should Be For Everyone

When Bill Clinton ran for President the first time, I did not vote for him. When he ran for President the second time, I did not vote for him. I did not want a President who favored abortion. I wanted a President whom I felt would be a good moral guide.

When Barack Obama ran for President, I wanted to be able to support him, but I did not feel confident in his ability to lead this country. He had very little experience, and I was not comfortable with that. I did not vote for him.

The consensus of many persons seems to be that if one did not vote for Barack Obama for President, it must have been because of racial prejudice. Personally, I think that is ridiculous. I don't like prejudice against anyone - never did - never will; it's wrong!

In any presidential election, there is a choice between at least two different persons, and I thought that as Americans we had the right to vote for one and not the other without being accused of sinister motives. From what I can gather, everyone should have voted for Barack Obama since the only reason not to vote for him is racial prejudice. Again, this does not make sense to me. I don't think a person's race should have anything to do with selecting a President. I think each of us should vote for the person we believe will lead our country in the right way, and racial makeup should have nothing to do with it. I do not care about the racial makeup of the President; I've never cared. We could have had a black President (a non-white person) years ago, and it would have been fine with me as long as he was a good, decent person who would do his best to lead our country in the right direction ( nation under God...) - the same thing I would want from any person of any race who would lead our country. We cannot change our national past, but we need to get out of that past and move forward. We can't move forward while being stuck in the past.

I hope Barack Obama is a good President. He has professed to be a Christian; I hope he prays for God's guidance and follows God's leading. I hope Christians are praying for him. I am still not comfortable with him; however, I will be thrilled if he turns out to be a good President. I hope he convinces me that he is a worthy of being President; something former President Clinton failed resoundingly to do.

I love my country and want what is best for her - what God wants for her, whatever that is.

Blessings to all.

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