Friday, July 17, 2009

Thank Goodness for Christian Radio

While listening to WMCU 1080 out of Coral Gables, Florida, I was reminded of something I already knew and something I had spoken to a grandson about yesterday. When we are tempted, God makes a way of escape for us (if we will only listen and heed the warning).

I do not remember which program was on, but the speaker gave I Corinthians 10:13 as the Bible reference: "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will allow you a way out so that you can endure." NLT

If it just did not take us so long to learn, life might be a little easier. I can think of several times in my life when there was a temptation and a way out - but I did not avail myself of it. One time comes to mind when I was in grade six or seven. My friends and I frequently went to the movies on Friday nights. I met them at the theater; we sat together, and everything was fine. My mother had no problem with my going to the movies; the only restriction was that I could not arrange to meet a boy there. I could sit by a boy if it 'just happened', but it could not be planned.

I didn't have any problem with this restriction; I did not go to the movies to meet boys except for one time. A boy I knew had broken up with a friend of mine and was looking in my direction. I really was not interested in him, but it seemed so grown-up to meet a boy at the movies that I made plans to do it anyway. I didn't feel good about it, but I made the plans anyway.

Sometime that afternoon, the neighbor across the street asked me to babysit for her son. Normally, I would have changed my plans in order to earn the money, but not this time. This was my "way of escape" from temption that God provided for me, but I did not accept His offer and went on with my plans. The evening was a disaster. I probably did not sit by the boy for more than five or ten minutes during both movies. I did not feel good about what I was doing and had no interest in letting him put his arm around me or anything else. I was popping out of my seat constantly with one excuse after the other.

In addition to feeling guilty, my mother found out what happened. Had I accepted God's "way of escape," I would NOT have felt guilty, would have made some money, and would not have disappointed my mother. God's plans are perfect if only we follow His plans.

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