Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fairness Should Be For Everyone

When Bill Clinton ran for President the first time, I did not vote for him. When he ran for President the second time, I did not vote for him. I did not want a President who favored abortion. I wanted a President whom I felt would be a good moral guide.

When Barack Obama ran for President, I wanted to be able to support him, but I did not feel confident in his ability to lead this country. He had very little experience, and I was not comfortable with that. I did not vote for him.

The consensus of many persons seems to be that if one did not vote for Barack Obama for President, it must have been because of racial prejudice. Personally, I think that is ridiculous. I don't like prejudice against anyone - never did - never will; it's wrong!

In any presidential election, there is a choice between at least two different persons, and I thought that as Americans we had the right to vote for one and not the other without being accused of sinister motives. From what I can gather, everyone should have voted for Barack Obama since the only reason not to vote for him is racial prejudice. Again, this does not make sense to me. I don't think a person's race should have anything to do with selecting a President. I think each of us should vote for the person we believe will lead our country in the right way, and racial makeup should have nothing to do with it. I do not care about the racial makeup of the President; I've never cared. We could have had a black President (a non-white person) years ago, and it would have been fine with me as long as he was a good, decent person who would do his best to lead our country in the right direction ( nation under God...) - the same thing I would want from any person of any race who would lead our country. We cannot change our national past, but we need to get out of that past and move forward. We can't move forward while being stuck in the past.

I hope Barack Obama is a good President. He has professed to be a Christian; I hope he prays for God's guidance and follows God's leading. I hope Christians are praying for him. I am still not comfortable with him; however, I will be thrilled if he turns out to be a good President. I hope he convinces me that he is a worthy of being President; something former President Clinton failed resoundingly to do.

I love my country and want what is best for her - what God wants for her, whatever that is.

Blessings to all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Old News Surfaces Again

In January of 1970, I had surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. Since the doctor was "in the neighborhood," he also removed my appendix. He must have considered the appendix unnecessary or thought the possible risk of my having to go through another surgery (for a ruptured appendix) before fully healing from the first surgery too much of a risk for me to take. Shortly after the surgery - probably within a few month, I heard that the medical community had changed its mind and now thought that the appendix really had an important part to play in our health. I regretted that my doctor had removed my appendix; however, I knew he had done it with my safety in mind. Also, I was and am still firmly convinced that with God's help, he had literally saved my life; I could not hold the removal of my appendix against him.

Today on the Internet, thirty-nine years later, I saw an article titled: The Appendix: Useful and in Fact Promising. You can read the entire article at
Since I heard about the importance of the appendix sometime during 1970, how is it that this article shows up today as if the information has just been discovered? I find this amazing.

In the article, Charles Darwin is mentioned as being one of the persons who held the opinion that the appendix was unnecessary to our health. Since I do not agree with Darwin's theory of evolution, it does not surprise me that his ideas about the appendix are also wrong. Don't misunderstand me; I am not saying that we cannot get along without our appendix - obviously we can since many persons, including myself, have had to have theirs removed yet live very normal lives with no apparent negative affects. I do think that the appendix has a purpose; but for many of us, the body either does not suffer an injury or illness where the appendix could be of help or our body has to work to overcome the problem without the aid of the appendix.

Blessings to all.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I wonder what life would be like without stress? On the one hand, it sounds like a wonderful thing; but I wonder if it would really bring the peace and contentment that the thought of no stress seems to promise.

Since life seems always to be filled with some kind of stress [getting up for work, getting children off to school, meeting committee deadlines, buying a gift for an upcoming event, etc.], it must be the way we deal with stress that matters and not the stress itself.

I think remembering that God is in control of everything will help us stay calm when things seem to pile up or go wrong. We can avoid some stress by preparing ahead in those areas where this is possible such as planning ahead for meals, getting the laundry done before everyone is out of clothes, getting to bed on time so that we can actually get up on time, having children pack their backpacks the night before, etc. These things will help, but realizing that we are really not in control of everything and watching or listening for what God wants to teach us when things fall apart is perhaps more important.

If we constantly "lose our joy" when things "go wrong," we show that we are not trusting God. I know this is not always easy; I just fell apart a few minutes ago when pressure I was not prepared to deal with overwhelmed me, and I'm not too happy with myself at the moment. So now I get to start over and try to do better the next time - with God's help.

Blessings to all.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Efusjon Opportunity

What do you need? Better health, more time or more flexible time, more money? Is your income diversified? What would happen if you lost your job? Has the economy affected your income - your family? Will you be able to afford to retire?

Efusjon is a great way to supplement your income and possibly allow you to make enough money through this plan to quit your current job.

Go to my efusjon website. Take a look, watch the videos, and listen to the recorded conferences calls. Then take a step you won't regret. Join the club and become a partner with me.

Efusjon has launched a game on Facebook that is going to reach a tremendous number of persons. Get in on the action now. It's RAD.


Monday, August 17, 2009

The Power of Fasting

This post contains a link to a teaching by Donna Partow on fasting - done on August 10, 2009. This teaching is a part of Donna's study on Facebook based on her book - Becoming the Woman I Want to Be. There is a charge of $27.00 to be a part of the group (plus the purchase of the book), but I think it is well worth the cost.
The Power of Fasting

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Healing and Deliverance

This teleseminar is a part of Donna Partow's study on Facebook based on her book Becoming the Woman I Want to Be. Donna is currently on a mission trip to Bogota, Colombia; therefore, Deanna Allen delivered this message. You may not have strongholds in your life, but there may be something Deanna shares that will allow you to help someone else.
Healing and Deliverance

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Sunday, August 16, 2009


Discipline is such an important part of life, but we sometimes avoid it because we do not look at it in the right light. There are also different types of discipline, though they are connected.

When you hear the word discipline, what thoughts comes to mind? Are these thoughts positive or negative?

One type of discipline comes when we are in trouble. As children, we often need to be disciplined or corrected for misbehavior. No one enjoys this discipline; however, it has its place.

Then there is the discipline that most of us build into our lives (to varying degrees) that enables us to function in various aspects of our lives. For some of us, discipline seems to come more easily while for others, discipline is very difficult to achieve.

Discipline or lack of discipline can impact us in all areas of life. A lack of discipline in our personal life may lead to problems with friends or spouses. A lack of discipline in our work life may lead to a lack of success on the job or loss of employment. A lack of discipline in our school life may lead to low grades, which may prevent us from getting a high school diploma, getting into college (or the college/university of our choice) or into a particular field of study (medicine, for example) where top grades are required. A lack of discipline in our spiritual life is, in my opinion, the most serious, since this may limit our usefulness to God.

The past six weeks have been wonderful for me in many ways; however, the discipline in my spiritual life has been neglected. Being away from home for almost three weeks and then having additional responsibilities for almost three weeks after returning home has thrown everything out of kilter. Of course, it is my lack of discipline that has caused this to happen. Regardless of where I have been and any added responsibilities I have had, I did not have to place my spiritual discipline on a back burner.

All of my excuses now must be put aside. Tomorrow morning I will return to my 5:00 A.M. schedule and begin the process of rebuilding the discipline I let slip away over the last six weeks. I am looking forward to tomorrow since I have missed the very important benefits which have come from being disciplined.

I thank God for His grace and mercy and for the opportunity to begin anew after having gotten off track.

Blessing to you all.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Busy Time

The last few weeks have been very busy visiting family and friends and having the privilege of one of my grandsons coming home with me for a couple of weeks. I'll miss him when he goes home.

I am still actively working with the efusjon Energy Club and appreciate all the wonderful people I have met through this club and the assistance they have given me; I also look forward to working with new persons I will meet as I share this opportunity with them. Please visit or to learn more about the efusjon Energy Club and the opportunity it will afford you to get out of debt, plan for your financial future or achieve other goals you have for your life.

I wish you a blessed day!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

"Pay It Forward" II

After posting my last blog, I found a related blog listed below it and with the same title. I clicked on that title, and the author of that blog was having a contest. To the first three persons who left comments on her recent post, she would send a homemade gift - Paying It Forward. She challenged others to do the same, and I decided to accept the challenge. So to the first three persons who leave a comment on this post or the previous one, I will send a homemade gift (this is scary) within the time frame stated below AND with the requirement also listed below. Be sure to give me you address!

"I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF (Pay it forward) exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is to pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.
So basically, if you’re one of the first 3 comments, I’ll send you something crafty that I’ll make!"

The world would be a better place if we would all "Pay It Forward" in some positive way.

Blessings to all.

"Pay It Forward"

I watched the movie but didn't think that much about it in a personal way. Then I read something by Donna Partow about a mother having three children, leading each one to follow Christ and they, in turn, having three children whom they led to Christ - and on and on.

Then came efusjon (the fastest growing beverage company and fastest growing network marketing company in America today) with its idea of each distributor bringing three persons (only three) into the company, and each of those persons bringing three persons in and so on.

Efusjon has a healthy energy drink and a GREAT compensation plan that I know I can benefit from and that you will benefit from too if you have the need and "see" how this business can change your life. I personally know one woman in the business who started in March and is already earning close to $10,000 per month. That is not a guarantee of what each person will do in so short a time, but it gives you an idea of what CAN be done.

Watch videos and listen to conference calls at (you can also join on this site), or go to to watch videos and learn about my team and the business.

Email me at if you have any questions. I will be happy to help make this business successful for you. One of the reason I joined efusjon is so that I can help other persons (Pay It Forward) - through the money I personally make and by helping other persons to become a part of this business.

Blessings to everyone!