Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Convicted and Marked

I heard the most amazing story in church yesterday morning; I do not know where the story originated and do not claim ownership of this story.

A man was sitting in a church service one morning. At the end of the pastor's message, an altar call was given. At this point, the man got up and walked out of the church.

The pastor saw the man a few days later and asked the man why he had left. The man's reply was that he had heard a dog barking. The pastor responded by saying that no one else heard a dog, but the man replied that he'd heard a dog barking, and the dog was real.

The man then went on to tell his story. When the man was a young boy, a neighbor owned a vary valuable dog. The boy stole the dog one night and sold it to get money. During the pastor's sermon, the man was so convicted of what he had done that he had to leave the church and go immediately to the home of the man who had owned the dog. The dog's owner was no longer living, but the man went to family of the of the owner who still lived in the home and confessed that he had stolen the dog and wanted to pay back the money he received for selling the dog plus interest. The family did not want the money, but the man insisted on paying what he owed.

The man then went to the home of the person to whom he had sold the dog. He confessed to the persons in that home what he had done and asked their forgiveness.

This man was marked by his experience during the service that morning. Not only was he convicted of what he had done, but it affected him so deeply that he had to immediately get up and do whatever it took to make the matter right. He confessed his sin and made restitution.

I have to ask myself if I have ever been convicted to the point that I HAD to do something to acknowledge my wrong. Have you every been convicted of some wrong doing? Were you so marked by the experience that you had to do whatever it took to make the situation right or to make up for what you had done as much as you possibly could regardless of the cost to you?

If we are truly convicted of sin in our life, it should result in a change. We should not be able to continue on with our lives without doing everything we can to make the matter right. God has to be able to reach us in a deep and meaningful way. Anything less is probably a sham and allows us to continue living superficial lives that do not allow us to truly glorify God. We see an example of this in Luke 19:8 when Jesus spoke to Zacchaeus telling him to come down from the tree. Zacchaeus was so convicted of the wrong doing in his life that he immediately said that he would give half of his possessions to the poor, and that if he had cheated anyone out of anything, he would pay back four times the amount. Jesus responded that salvation had come to Zacchaeus' house that day.

How different this world would be if we were all so convicted by God of our wrong doings.

Monday, June 29, 2009

What's Up Today?

CHALLENGES! We all face them; the important thing is not the challenge, but the way we respond to the challenge. I've started a new business as a distributor for a healthy energy drink from efusjon Energy Club. Isn't that a novel idea? A healthy energy drink - not one that just pumps you up then lets you down with no lasting benefits, but one that gives you a natural boost of healthy energy from Acai berries filled with healthful compounds. How can Acai berries benefit you? Take a look:
  • Rich source of anthocyanins - same compounds found in red wine (good for your heart and without the negative affects).
  • Rich source of protein and fiber plus omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids - beneficial for the heart and cardiovascular system
  • Slows down the aging process (Doesn't that sound great?)
See A 2 Z of Health, Beauty and Fitness - http://health.learninginfo.org/herbs/acai-berry.htm for more in depth information.
  • AND - according to Disabled World TM, Acai berries also aid in weight loss and the removal of harmful toxins. See http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/acai-berry.shtml
And guess what else? It tastes great! I sent my daughter an 8-pack to try; she drank one can, and my grandson drank the other seven - not all at once, I hope. What more can you ask? As a distributor, that's enough.

Even more than a great tasting, healthy energy drink though, I like the tone of the company - the attitude of the persons who put this company together and developed a compensation plan that enables distributors to take good care of their families financially through the "power of three" and the "community overlap." Rather than pay an advertising company huge sums for audio, video, and print ads, efusjon pays its distributors, through the compensation plan, to do the advertising for the company, which allows the mega bucks that would have gone for "traditional" advertising to go to us.

To understand how the company and the compensation plan work, go to http://www.efusjonparty.com to see and hear about it for yourself. If you like what you see and hear, go to my distributor's site www.myefusjon.com/lynnked and join me.

Back to my challenge. I have a lot to learn, and I'm not going to be put off by the thought of actually working at my job. What company pays you to do nothing? One you don't want to work for or with since that would be a company designed to benefit someone else - not you. It's easy to start something, but it takes perseverance to continue; and that's where the payoff is in whatever you do. You have to stick it out - school, job, marriage, parenting, (anything else you can name) to gain the benefits that are there for you, and I'm up to the challenge. I'm in the matrix and it's RAD (find out about eWorlds (formerly called RAD) on Facebook next month). Try the drink; look at the opportunity. You won't regret it.

I hope you have a wonderful day. My day's been great so far, and the rest of the evening still lies ahead. God bless you all. vqapim9beg

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life and Business

Since life and business go hand in hand, let's talk about life today.

I'd like to recommend some books, studies, and websites with helpful information. There are some things I learned through these options that I wish I had known sooner. Some things I learned years ago but did not necessarily use the information wisely or at all - very foolish. It's like the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" - (old proverb dating back to at least 1546 - found in a book by John Heywood).

  • Donna Partow's Becoming the Woman I Want To Be - A 90 Day Journey to Renewing SPIRIT . SOUL. & BODY. I started this book two or three years ago and found it very helpful. I was working at it on my own and let ????? who knows what (maybe things that were too challenging for me at the time?) get in the way and put the book aside for a while (LOL). Donna will be teaching/leading this study via Facebook under 'groups' - tentative starting date (by my calculations) - July 20, 2009. This is a study that you can join at any time (meaning you do not have to begin on the first day) and still be 'in sync' with the study. Go to http://1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=968350 to join or to see other materials available from Donna.
  • Donna Partow's Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be - A 90-Day Guide To Living The Proverbs 31 Life. This study has been done twice on Facebook since the first of this year. The first time was a free study, which nearly 3000 women joined (I think men can benefit from reading this book as well). There was a charge for the second session (which was well worth it), and there was (is - it is still going on) a very good, core group participating. This study covers so many things most of us struggle with and gives good strategies for moving forward in our relationship with God and in our daily lives including strategies for MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME to generate additional income for our families. Interested persons can still join the open group and benefit from the information in the book, the archived videos and teleseminars, and by reading the posts from women who participated when the study was actively going on.
  • Rosey Dow - Check out http://roseydow.com and www.roseydow.com/category/frugal-lifestyle/. I met Rosey during the first 90 Day Study and have gotten to know her better through her website and assistance she is giving me in my business - www.myefusjon.com/lynnked. Rosey is a multi-talented woman - author, very savvy internet marketer, founder of Frugal Lifestyle and much more.
  • This morning I came across an article entitled - Cheap and nontoxic ways to get rid of bugs - By Huddler's Green Home Community. This article gives ways to keep bugs such as ANTs, WASPs, and SLUGs away using cheap, nontoxic ways. This is a recent blog you can find on their home page - http://green.yahoo.com/blog/huddlergreenhome
  • Continued: or go to http://green.yahoo.com/blog/huddlergreenhome/38/cheap-and-nontoxic-ways-to-get-rid-of-bugs.html;_ylt=AuxnL2gO9ltORd1tCXKkLWaCfNd for the article.
That's it for now. Have a great day!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Key to Change

Carolyn's Work Place

is not JUST a place to share the efusjon opportunity (so DON'T turn away now), though
I LOVE doing that since I believe this company can be a BLESSING to persons seeing the life changing opportunity that is there. My "work place" is an opportunity for me to share things I am thinking about or that I come across that MIGHT benefit someone else - I am WORKING at life. The thrust of this blog is to share something I read this morning that all of us have probably heard at one time or another but MAY NOT have really taken to heart. Sometimes we have to hear something over and over (and over and over) before we are ready to really HEAR it and actually DO something about it. If you don't need this, perhaps you know someone who does.

I want to share
something with you that EVERYONE can benefit from. It doesn't matter who you are, your age, sex, marital status, interests, working for someone else, or NETWORK MARKETING (working basically for yourself). The information below is from a network marketing company that I do NOT work with (I had not heard of them until I came across their email to me), but one does not have to be a part of that particular organization (or any particular organization) to benefit from what is written. Credit for this information is given below in their URL at the end of their statement.

Please take the time to read the following:

"People believe there are hidden secrets that will propel them to success.
There are no secrets. There are truths, lessons, insights and actions you can take to get you where you want to be. They are not hidden, but neither are they dancing in front of you as you walk through life. You have to want to know them. You have to LOOK for them. You have to DO something with them once you know them.

Do you ever wonder what your life is going to be like in 1 year; 5 years; 10 years; 20 years; longer? course you do. Everyone does. As we begin this journey together there is a very basic truth you need to
hear, and hopefully accept.

Your life will be whatever you decide to make it.

You have got a choice to make. Today!
And every other day of your life. Today is a day you can use to change your life. To
change the way you think about things.

Decide to believe your entire life is going to be an exciting adventure. Decide to believe you will be a success. Decide to believe today is going to be better than yesterday.

I began writing this earlier this morning, but something got in the way. I did not change any wording (change content) in the url message above; however, I believe I did add bolding to some things I wanted to stand out.

DO have the opportunity to change today by the way we choose to look at things. Worse case senarios - death of someone we love, extreme illness (self or loved ones), lose of income with no hope in sight, etc. (the list could go on and on) - whatever fits YOUR life. We MAY NOT be able to change the circumstances of our situations, but we CAN change to way we choose to LOOK at them and deal with them. We can give up or we can "change the way we think about things."

I know for certain that if we have faith in Christ, we have every reason to have peace through the difficult times because the Holy Spirit is with us; we have support during the trials of life, and we
know (know, know, know) where we are going.

I hope this blog means something to you personally; I would love to have comments from you.

(Something I learned from this morning's blog - a LARGE, BOLD words
really stands out - won't be using them much!)

Friday, June 26, 2009

First Blog Entry

Finally. All set up and ready to go.

Network Marketers - This is for you. If you already have a business, you'll see the potential!

I am so excited about efusjon Energy Club that I want to share it with you. Efusjon is changing lives; and in this economy, that's important. When you don't pay big bucks for advertisement but instead, pay that money to the distributors working for the company CHANGE takes place. When you look at the matrix plan, you'll understand why this company works.

efusjon Energy Club - one of the FASTEST growing companies in America.

They've captured my attention for three reasons:
  1. Great product - healthy energy drink (acai berries)
  2. Great potential for income
  3. Built to help others - I like this part the best!
BIG BONUS - efusjon is launching a game named RAD on Facebook in July, which will reach thousands. Check out Derek Broes using Google - he's the man behind RAD.

Go to www.myefusjon.com/lynnked and look at the information available. Listen to some of the recorded conference calls, and you will hear for yourself the caliber of the persons leading the club and their genuine desire to help others succeed.

This is a business; therefore, it requires work. It's not a get rich scheme. If you catch the excitement, use my website http://www.myefusjon.com/lynnked to join.